“Storytelling chose visual art as its medium. I could not resist its pull to stare into my face and spit its truth. Truths about the girl child in my lowly revelation, as they who belong to vistas beyond the horizons. As they sing in my ears, I hope they build nests out of every splinter in yours, singing of humanity... before whom our knees must bend.”
— Martins Deep
Originally from Orogun, Ughelli North in Delta State, Martins (he/him) is a photographer, digital artist, and poet based in Kaduna, where he studies at Ahmadu Bello University. His works have appeared in Magma Poetry, Cutbank, Strange Horizons, FIYAH, Lolwe, Agbowó, 20.35 Africa: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, Chestnut Review, and others. Martins won the visual art category of the 2020 AYNM Creative Contest. Twitter @martinsdeep1 | Instagram @martins.deep