by Mary Bowman
Medicare uses a physician fee schedule to determine payments for over 7,500 physician services. The fee for each service depends on its relative value units (RVUs), which rank on a common scale the resources used to provide each service.
— National Health Policy Forum, January 2015. birth control makes me crazy,
i was drunk, i’m not having sex. is there any chance, how do you get that, he took it off, will i see the baby, i never asked him, i should’ve known. what would you do if you were me is there anything i can do to make this
more comfortable, is there anything i should know. that is totally normal, that is not herpes, everyone has herpes, it’s not your fault. is there anyone you could talk to, are you out to anyone yet, do you feel safe at home everyone knows except
my dad my wife my boss my family i have no one, no one knows. my boyfriend will be there for part of it, my girlfriend’s gonna give me the shot. i am not like this, i never thought i’d do this, i’ve been thinking about this for years. you mean i can start today, why do i have to come back, i just want to get this over with, she answered all my questions. can i ask a question, sorry i do have a question. sorry i didn’t shave, sorry i didn’t shower, sorry you have to do this, sorry i’m bleeding, sorry i’m shaking, sorry for crying, if i faint keep going, if i start crying just ignore me, i’m going to cry but it’s okay, is that it, i hate this part, this always hurts this is what too much bleeding looks like
if you go to the hospital please call i will call you tomorrow to see if you got in what’s the number, i will call and tell them that they have to, that’s illegal don’t get your meds in indiana, they don’t like us, don’t go to walmart, they don’t like us, tell them it’s for your cousin, you don’t have to tell them. your parents might surprise you, is there somewhere else you can stay does my vagina look normal, how does it look,
does my vagina look like a real vagina is that normal, my life is over, he told me he didn’t, he told me he did. i can’t believe he did this to me. he told me to get checked, he told me he could feel it, he doesn’t like it, he said there’s something wrong with me. can i get some for him, can he come here, he had work, he doesn’t know. when i told him, he insurance is awful, insurance is trash,
you don’t have insurance, is cost a concern insurance won't cover it, what kind of insurance, that depends on your insurance, oh good you have insurance, i don’t know how much it will cost, treat it like a bad period, you don’t want to do it at work, i can give you a note for work, when do you have to work, are you out at work, what kind of work do you do you can do it overnight but you might not sleep the worst will be over in time for work i just had a baby, i have kids,
my kids are grown, i have two babies. i can’t have a baby. i lost my job. but i’m 40. but i’m 50. here’s the paper my mom signed. if it were his, i’d keep it. my mom said keep it. i threw up. i had no idea. is it bad if i was drinking, can i drink tonight sorry if this is a stupid question, i don’t want to talk about that. you have to watch me take it, right i can just take it, right i don’t have any questions, i did a lot of research. i’m on my parents’ insurance, i stopped when i lost my insurance, my insurance didn’t cover it. i couldn’t afford it, my friend had a lot, i ordered some on amazon, i read something on reddit. my voice. my chest. my skin. my face. my hips. my hands. i started saving, i found someone to pay for it. does insurance cover it, i’m going to florida, california, thailand, arizona. i need a letter, can you sign this i’ll sign whatever, i know what it says. i’ve known ever since i was the most important thing for you is to rest and relax
i’m so excited for you stress is a hormone in your body you have to wait 24 hours, 4 to 6 weeks, 7 to 10 days, 20 minutes, 2 to 3 years we’re putting you through the right puberty you’re doing a good job, you didn’t do anything wrong. there is no cure. you deserve better. it’s very rare. you won’t always feel this way. we don’t know what causes it. we don’t have any research. i don’t go over all this to scare you. how are you feeling do you have any more questions |